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About Kelly

Kelly Corcoran

Kelly Corcoran is a Yoga Teacher at the 200 Hour Level with Yoga Alliance and has been practicing yoga for over a decade. She's been a people leader for more than fifteen years and currently works for Pratt & Whitney leading a global sales team.

Kelly first dreamed of owning a yoga studio in 2020, when she created a fictional marketing plan for her MBA. After several years of daydreaming, the Den Zen was officially brought to life in May, 2024. 


"Yoga keeps me sane, making me a better partner, friend, leader and overall human. It's an effective way to connect mind and body; to find gentle awareness of our thoughts; and to find compassion for ourselves and others. 


Yoga also allows me to stay healthy, active and nimble as I head into the second half of my life.


I want to share yoga with others so they too can enjoy the benefits that come with a regular practice in a beautiful and thoughtful space."

~ Kelly 

About Kelly

The Studio

The Zen Den is a boutique yoga studio located at the historic Hilliard Mills in Manchester, CT. Offering private & semi-private gentle and moderately paced yoga classes; all levels are always welcome.


Our intimate vibe will tickle all five senses, uniting body and breath for a practice centered in self-care.


The Zen Den classes are small by design (less than 10 yogis per class) and always include:


⊛ Lit candles

⊛ Mood lighting

⊛ Curated playlists
⊛ All mats and props are provided

⊛ Free mint tea and water for you to enjoy
⊛ Essential oils and eye masks during savasana

⊛ Air-conditioned studio to ensure comfort for all

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